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James Walker RotaBolt Ltd
Peartree Business Park
Peartree Lane
West Midlands

Supplier profile
James Walker RotaBolt is a world leader in bolted joint technology and tension control. Its range of RotaBolt® tension control fasteners and joint integrity services are used wherever joints are subject to fatigue, vibration, pressure containment or structural slippage.

Applications include oil and gas installations, defence equipment, process plant, mining equipment, power generation plant, railways and other modes of transport, and structural engineering.

RotaBolts provide either finger-tip, visual or remote measurement of tension throughout the life of bolted joints, as tension across a bolted joint is critical to ensuring its reliability and safety. The accuracy of RotaBolt® tension monitoring far surpasses traditional tightening methods — such as hydraulic tensioners, flogging or torque systems — that can suffer severe control limitations resulting in unpredictable bolt tension and joint failure.

Categorised Product Listing

  • Seals
    • Gaskets
    • Joint Integrity
    • Joints - Expansion
    • Seals
    • Tension Control

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