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  Why do we blame robots when the line stops?

14  August  2017

  Production and packing lines will stop working for any number of reasons, but the default assumption will often be that a robotic malfunction is to blame. Instead of scapegoating the technology, Paul Wilkinson, Commercial & Information Systems Manager at Pacepacker Services, offers some advice on getting to the root of the problem.

Robots are too often presumed guilty when they are not in any position to demonstrate their innocence. We have seen this with the much-discussed ‘threat’ to jobs, despite evidence that it is in the interest of manufacturers to balance automation with the upskilling of manual workers. Likewise, there's a widespread assumption that, when lines stop working, the cause is hiding inside the ‘black box’ of automation rather than among the humans who manage it.

Any statement to the effect that automation over the next decade and beyond will have no impact on employment should be taken with a very large pinch of salt. But, in its March 2017 report on robotics, PwC forecast that, although up to 46% of UK manufacturing jobs were ‘at potential high risk of automation by the early 2030s’, in many cases those jobs would evolve rather than disappear altogether.

By 2030, it is also highly likely that the majority of robotic and automated production and packing lines will not only tell managers why a stoppage has occurred, but probably correct any problem themselves.

For now, though, when the robot stops working, the robot will probably get the blame. Sometimes, when there is an element of complexity or variety in the operation, the assumption will be that the robotics is simply not up to the job. Yet, if we are making robots a scapegoat, that probably means we are avoiding other actions which would take us much closer to the root cause of any malfunction.

Here are five reasons why the buck should not stop with automated intelligence. 

1. A robot is only as good as its programming

It is essential that robots and other automated sections of the line are programmed to recognise and handle every stock-keeping unit (SKU), including all variants at the primary and secondary packaging stage. This means investing the same amount of time and effort in understanding the full scope of a project as you would do in selecting and specifying equipment in the first place.

In product handling and case loading, problems may occur because an integrator has not fully considered the movement of the robotic arm from pick point to place point, the timings on the line, and so on.

Preparations should include talking to all of those involved, from operator level up to directors, to ensure that all current and future expectations are understood in detail and can be met in full. The appropriate programming must be available and, just as importantly, easily and reliably accessible.

There are other essential elements within the preparation stage. Experienced line operators will be able to predict many of the challenges arising from the nature of the product being handled, different fill levels, poor-quality sealing, spillages and other variables. All of these issues can affect the smooth running of the line, and need to be uncovered and factored into automation planning.

2. The workforce needs to be on-side

Your workforce can do much more than advise on potential problems. They may initially be wary about the impact of automation, but as an employer, you can turn them into champions of the same technology. You may have reassigned some or all of your workers to other duties in the factory – perhaps being responsible for longer sections of the line, or being trained up to more skilled or technical roles. This happens for the best operational reasons, but can mean that managers are effectively doing away with a critically important layer of visual monitoring and inspection.

All operators, and not just those directly responsible for sections of the line, should remain vigilant for any upstream problems which might interfere with its smooth running. Here, managers can play a key role in encouraging those involved to think through to root causes, rather than being satisfied with short-term troubleshooting.

Where operators are responsible for setting up the line for changeovers, they need to be given clear training and instructions to ensure all necessary manual and electronic changes are made. If cross-settings, such as guides set to the wrong width, are not corrected, this can jam the line, triggering a shutdown and potentially resulting in lengthy downtime while the problem is fixed.

Give consideration too for the ‘human factor’. This is not, strictly speaking, human error. Though thankfully rare, there have been cases of workers disabling robots in order to bring significant numbers of manual operators on to the line, complete packing requirements more quickly and, as a result, leave work earlier.

Instead, experienced operators need to be persuaded that the business still relies on them to support and monitor its automated lines. By doing so, they can hopefully be motivated to perform those roles responsibly alongside the new equipment.

3. Even the best teams need sound ongoing technical support

However trained-up and keyed-up your workforce may be, it makes a huge difference if you partner with integrators which are able to offer strong, ongoing technical support. This is especially true in the area of automation and robotics.

Your robots may have been programmed to answer every production need at the time of installation, but needs change. Your customers come up with new requirements, and your production lines have to respond. High-quality technical support means you will be able to assess – and quickly access – different solutions.

Wisely, most companies installing automation would see this level of support as a prerequisite for doing business. Yet, it is surprising how often we come across technology that has been mothballed where it could easily have been reprogrammed to fit into a new or modified role.

A good supplier should also help to make in-house reprogramming easier. At Pacepacker, we now offer Pallet+ software, which facilitates programming for both palletising and case loading robots, without the need for either engineer visits or the use of a robot teach pendant.

4. Good Housekeeping is more than a magazine

Unless systems offer highly sophisticated self-diagnostics, customers should keep an eye on housekeeping and maintenance needs, too. This may simply be a matter of routinely ensuring the line is clean, that there is no accumulation of product residues or dust. These can block vital sensors or jam a belt, for example, triggering an overload.

Likewise, line managers need to be aware of wear and tear on key parts of the line and the impact this can have on smooth, uninterrupted operation. Regular checks during scheduled downtime can help to prevent serious failures during production periods.

5. Love your end effectors

If a robot is only as good as its programming, it is similarly only as good as its end effectors. Where a single robot is performing multiple actions and handling a range of pack types and sizes, changeovers may involve substituting one of a number of different end effectors. It is essential that processes and training are designed to ensure that the correct tool is always in place.

How different end effectors are stored and maintained is also important. For example, if foam pads on a gripper have been compressed in storage, this may mean that it can no longer handle product effectively.

Overall, worker ‘buy-in’ is critical to seamless automated production success. And this ‘buy-in’ must happen at all levels. A robotic malfunction is likely to be just part of the story and in most instances you can’t blame the robot for a production blip. In fact, well-programmed and maintained robots can liberate your workforce from mundane, labour intensive tasks, enabling everyone to use their time more productively and pursue more satisfying and professionally challenging career paths. 

For more information, please contact:

Paul Wilkinson
Commercial & Information Systems Manager
Pacepacker Services Ltd
Tel:  +44 (0)1371 811544
Fax:  +44 (0)1371 811621
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